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by 艾米丽Resnevic
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计划一个由教师主导的海外留学项目是令人兴奋的! 还有程序设计和审批等因素, it's also crucial to effectively recruit students so that you ensure your program runs successfully. 学生招聘是决定你的项目能否运行的决定性因素, 因为可能会有你需要满足的最低入学要求. 作为主要教员,你将对项目招聘产生重大影响. This post in our Empowering 教师 series is designed to give you some tips to consider to recruit a strong student cohort for your program.

  1. 在项目设计阶段考虑招聘

从你开始计划一个新的教师主导的项目的那一刻起, 每一步都要考虑学生的需求和兴趣.

a. 影响学生入学的最大因素之一是 一年中的时间 你的程序运行. 考虑所有可能与你的项目竞争的因素是很重要的, 从秋季运动和假期到经济援助的可用性. 无论你选择一月两周的课程还是一个完整的学期, 了解什么对你的学生群体有效是关键.

b. 选择 你的课程策略. 让你的课程与学生的专业或辅修课程保持一致, 或通识教育要求, 会增加项目对更多学生的价值吗.

c. 考虑有规律的节奏. Your recruitment efforts can be ongoing and more sustainable if your program runs consistently. 如果项目每年运行一次,每隔一年运行一次,每学期运行一次,等等.这样,这个学期不能去的学生就可以考虑下学期去了.

d. 知道代价是什么. 价格是学生决定是否宝博体育的一个重要因素, 有些费用是不包括在项目费用之内的, 比如吃饭或飞行. 做一些调查,看看除了项目费用之外,你的项目还要花多少钱. 了解学生可以申请哪些奖学金来参加这个项目, 或者经济援助是否包括任何项目费用.

提示: 东航卡帕可以为您的项目提供预期自付费用的成本估算.



  1. 考虑学生的动机和最适合你项目的学生

有那么多宝博体育的选择, the reason a student would choose to go on your faculty-led program (instead of a full semester abroad directly enrolling in another institution), 可以包括:

a. Students may be more comfortable going abroad with a community they are already familiar with, 这包括你作为教师领导和学生群体. 在项目开始前经常让团队成员聚在一起可以建立融洽的关系.

b. Students might not be able to take a full semester away from their campus depending on their major requirements

c. 你的项目可能比其他留学项目要短, making it an easier leap for students who have obligations at home or aren't comfortable going abroad for a significant period of time. 和, 因为你的教师主导的项目可能会更短, 因此,它将比整个夏季或学期的选择便宜.

d. 成绩单可以更容易,因为学分是由本国大学提供的.

e. 学生可以学习与其专业相关的特定科目.



  1. 尽早开始推广你的项目

a. 一旦项目确定,招聘就可以开始, 这取决于你的校园, it may be beneficial to start promoting the program as far in advance as one or even two years. 校园招聘应该继续,直到你的项目达到招生上限, 或者直到你达到最后期限. 如果你对这个项目设置了注册上限,可以考虑一个候补名单.

提示: 至少提前一到两个学期想好. September is a good time to start talking with students about the following spring or summer programs.

  1. 考虑各种促销活动

a. 留学展销会 是否对提供一般选修学分或基本必修课的课程有益.

提示: Targeted info sessions at classes may be better utilization of time if the course is higher level

b. 编写并呈现简短的3-5分钟 课堂演讲 关于你的项目. You can tell students about the program during your own classes or visit your colleague's classes at a time that works for them.

c. 与你的留学办公室合作提供 信息会议. These program overview sessions are a great way to share more details about what students should expect and how they would benefit from participating. Consider what time of day is best for students to attend an info session at a time when all students aren't in class, 比如午餐或晚餐时间. 信息会议可以是虚拟的,可以在Zoom或类似的平台上,也可以在校园里亲自进行.

提示: 面对面的活动往往会得到更好的参与, and 课堂演讲 at large lecture halls can reach the widest audience with a low investment of time.

d. 与你的校园学生会或留学办公室合作 信息表 在重要的招聘时间,在学生会或类似的校园热门场所.

university mascot reading a CAPA brochure next to our booth at a study abroad fair 在校园

Caption: 留学展销会 provide a great opportunity to recruit students for your program!

  1. 利用校园资源

a. The study abroad office on your campus can support with connecting you with the other resources below. 留学办公室通常会在市场营销、留学展销会、餐桌安排等方面提供帮助.

b. 学术顾问 may be a great resource to share information about your course so that they can recommend it to students that would qualify or be interested in the subject matter as part of academic planning. 确保他们知道你的项目的一些亮点和好处, 这样他们就可以鼓励学生申请.

c. 问 你所在学科的其他教员 如果他们愿意在他们的学生中推广你的项目.

d. 点对点营销参加你的项目出国的学生, 或者和你一起上过类似的课程, are great resources to help spread the word 关于你的项目 to give prospective students the "˜inside scoop' about how the program went. Or, 如果您的程序是新的, there may be a student 在校园 who has studied abroad at the same location as your program who may be willing to help galvanize excitement.

提示: As part of 东航卡帕's alumni empowerment plan, a 东航卡帕 alum from your school may be able to be a 学生大使 在校园. 有关更多信息,请咨询您的东航卡帕机构关系经理.

e. 时事通讯 和校园公告栏: Work with your department and/or your study abroad office to get your program featured in appropriate campus newsletters and print or electronic billboards.

f. 国际教育周每年11月,是传播意识的好时机. 联系你的留学办公室,看看校园周围可能会发生什么活动.


Caption: Students who've studied abroad previously in your program's location can be great peer-to-peer marketers!

  1. 写一个清晰、简洁、令人兴奋的项目描述

a. You may have already written up a description of your program to obtain institutional approvals, but writing a program description to get students excited to study abroad requires a different tone. Your program description should be simple and explain the goals of the course with an appropriate title to grab interest right away. Focus on not just what the program involves, but what students will take away from the program. 使用照片和视频,这样学生就可以想象自己在这个项目中.

提示: 如果您需要的话,东航卡帕可以提供我们学校所在地的信息和学生照片!

  1. 保持联系

a. 一旦你收到申请,招聘还没有结束! 定期登记入住 with your students who have started applications often to see if they have any questions and maintain excitement and preparedness for the program. Keep track of students who have expressed interest in your program and keep them on a newsletter list to email them periodically with updates regarding info sessions, 会议, 最后期限, 或者关于你的项目和地点的趣事.

b. 确保你知道你所在机构的截止日期, including the last possible date to add students to your program and any relevant payment timelines, 包括存取款费用.



  1. 利用东航卡帕营销资源

a. 东航卡帕 can provide you with a variety of customized assets and materials including photos, 传单, 以及社交媒体工具包, 推广你的项目, plus the 东航卡帕 marketing team can meet with you directly to discuss marketing your program. 与您的机构关系经理交谈,了解更多有关东航卡帕如何提供帮助的信息.

底线:为什么学生想参加你的项目? 学生选择课程最常见的原因是通过口碑, 程序的位置, 这是一个术语, 该课程是否有助于满足毕业要求, 以及领导或教授这门课程的教师的声誉. 试着把这些作为所有营销和招聘策略的主要亮点.

Speak with an institutional relations manager to discuss more strategies on how to market and recruit your 东航卡帕 Custom 教师-Led Program!

艾米丽Resnevic 是高级定制程序开发人员吗.
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