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by 凯瑟琳·戈尔曼
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One thing I was very excited to get my hands on when arriving in 伦敦 was the food-all the various cuisines. I have always heard about how 伦敦 has everything you could think of, so I was excited to try everything from English classics to Asian, 意大利, 以及介于两者之间的一切. Making this list was hard given that everything I've had has been delicious, but I have managed to narrow it down to my five favorite restaurants I have been to while living here the last two months that I would want to immediately come back to when I visit again!

如果你想这么说的话,这些都是我的杰出作品! Here are my top five 伦敦 eats you should try next time you are in 伦敦.

  1. Padella-Borough市场

Padella has two locations: one located near Borough Market by the 伦敦 Bridge tube station, 另一个在肖尔迪奇. Padella is home to some of the best pasta I've had since being here. With a small, limited menu (they only have eight pastas to choose from!),你知道你选择的任何东西都会很棒. 我两次去那里都吃了两种不同的意大利面, 但它们都超级新鲜,绝对美味!

My top recommendation at Padella would be the Fettuccine with Cobble Lane cured nduja, 马斯卡彭, 和柠檬. This lightly dressed and cheesy dish has a kick of flavor from the cured nduja, 一种猪肉, 是什么让你每一口都有极致的味道. Padella不接受预定,座位有限, so there are always lines outside the restaurant with people waiting to get a seat for their delicious food!

Padella's fettuccine with Cobble Lane cured nduja, 马斯卡彭, 和柠檬 pasta.
  1. 穿孔 & 朱迪-Covent花园

任何酒吧食物都很难出错,但潘趣酒 & 朱迪,位于考文特花园的中心,拥有一切! Location, decorations, history, and the yummy food and drinks, there is nothing to lose. 这家三层的酒吧提供所有的经典菜肴, but when at a pub you can never go wrong with an order offish and chips-the most English food of them all!

说实话, before coming to 伦敦 I had never had fish and chips before, 但自从来到这里,它就成了我的最爱之一. 我在城里的酒吧都试过了,叫潘趣 & 朱迪已成为我的首选. I think there is also some bias here given that you can sit on the upstairs balcony and eat while you watch a street show happening in the square just the floor below! 如果你也在圣诞节期间去的话, there is a huge Christmas tree out in Covent Garden right in front of the pub which is stunning to look at!

潘趣餐厅的炸鱼薯条 & 朱迪.
  1. Dulce-Aldgate东

位于阿尔德盖特东地铁站附近, 就在我公寓的拐角处, 杜尔塞有一些最好的早餐和午餐! 你一进去就有一家外卖面包店, 以及一个小餐厅与一个广泛的早午餐菜单. They have fresh juices, smoothies, coffee, and all the pastries and sandwiches you can think of.

My favorite food here has to be the Turkey and Cheese Croque Monsieur. This is a common stop for me in the mornings and during my internship when I am in need of a quick coffee or snack. The staff is also very friendly and are quick to serve you and get you on your way so you can have a nice start to your day!

  1. 考文特花园的胖专家

This Asian fusion-style restaurant has a combination of all different kinds of yummy classics! 演前晚宴的绝佳地点, 甚至和朋友一起吃开胃菜, the Fatt Pundit located between the Strand and Covent Garden has some great bites! Since this is a tapas-style restaurant, you get the best of both worlds when ordering from this menu! 这是吃货的梦想!

I am one to be very indecisive when it comes to what I want to order at restaurants, so going to tapas is always nice because you can order a little of everything. My favorite items that my friends and I ordered off their menu have to be the Sticky Sesame Vegetables, 棒棒糖鸡, 蔬菜客家面, 还有罗望子釉土豆! 想到这顿饭,我又流口水了. The atmosphere around the restaurant is also great and perfect for a night out to eat and drink with friends, and given the location it is the perfect spot to start the night!

  1. 托尔米纳餐厅-肯辛顿花园/海德公园

You might see a little bit of a common theme here, but you could say I love 意大利 food! 陶尔米纳餐厅绝对是一颗隐藏的宝石——我妈妈, 妹妹, and I stumbled upon this restaurant while walking back from the tube station when they came to visit me a few weeks ago. When we walked in, it immediately felt like we had stepped foot into a small 意大利 village. 我买了意大利通心粉, and it had the perfect combination of spice and cheesiness (given that they put a hunk of parm on top!). 味道很好! 这家餐厅也比较安静, which gave us a nice break from the craziness 伦敦 sometimes entails!


The 伦敦 food scene is quite extensive, and I am excited to continue to explore it! 享受这些美食吧!

凯瑟琳·戈尔曼 内容创造者-博主.
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